Saturday, April 13, 2019

orchestration process some key things to remember

orchestration process some key  things to remember  to avoid errors

some thing we need to know so that it will easy the process for creation of orchestration process

1. Only Tasks  we can set it to "Manual" Tasks in the orchestration process
  • Schedule
  • Reserve 
  • Pause  types (SAC types are Event based, Timer, Immediate )

2. We can repeat/ duplicate same task type again like "Schedule" Task once used in the process step 1 then again we want to use it in step 10?
Note : we can create a Alias and then we can use it

3.  SAC - Start After Condition is must and used only  for a Pause task. Pause Rule need to be priority Medium & Release rule need to be at the highest priority

4.  Web service Process to communicate with external systems
  • FTL  - Fulfillment task layer for oracle EBS
  • TTL  - Template Task Layer for other systems  Adhoc
  • OFRS - Oracle Fulfillment Process (XML Tags are different when compared to the task layer fulfillment response composite )

Note: Both  TTL & FTL process uses same task layer fulfillment reponse

5. Internal Fusion Fulfillment systems

  • Schedule - GOP
  • Reserve - Inventory Reservation
  • Invoice  - AR
  • Receive -- Inventory
  • Shipment -- Inventory
  • Return -- Inventory
  • Purchasing --PO
External systems : OTM, GTM, Legacy, any thing outside fusion.

6. Exit Criteria
obtain status from the task status condition which is marked as completed status
for shipping - shipped

7. Do not Checkbox - Use Transaction Attributes very often when not you do not have actual usage

8. Identify the last step of the process and mark "Fulfillment completion"  flag  when your process completes  (B2B, DS, Standard Shipments)

9. Orchestration Process  to use in the OM sales order we need to complete below steps:
  • Validate 
  • Release 
  • Deploy Process
  • when Creation of edit or Revision then Reject Prevision Revision before Release 

10. Change Mode  types
  • Advanced. Process change. Record the state of the orchestration process at each orchestration process step. -- performance issues 

  • Simple. Process change only on the step that receives the change. Record the state of the orchestration process when it starts and at the step where the orchestration process receives the change.

  • None. Don't allow change. Don't record the state of the orchestration process.

11. Parent Process check box when it is used as a orchestration process and if you fail to do those then we can call that process in the other parent orchestration in the branching condition.

12. Process Class : accumulation of  all the status codes and condition which we can use in the orchestration process

13. When Defining Status Condition always try to select the Status values & Expression from the LOV to avoid errors. (Even it is =)

14. Make sure  the at least one status Expression is attached to each Step in the orchestration process.

15. In the fulfillment status conditions please  make use of option Send email notification & Notify External System only when needed

16. We can create a Task Type new while creation of the Orchestration process as an Alias and make use of the same task services defined for the task type.

17. Different Places where the OBR rule is used  on the orchestration process

  • SAC - Start After Condition /  Pause Rule
  • LSC- Line Selection Criteria
  • CP- Compensation Pattern
  • Cost of Change Rule
  • Lead Times Expression
  • Branching Condition
18. when the SO line is on the manual reservation required then we need to provide Warehouse or Supplier details and if any thing not need select clear content and mandatory schedule ship date and submit 

19. when we create a Revision of the sales order then each line will process all the steps from the beginning of the orchestration process attached to that line. 

20.   Orchestration process can have any step we like based on the customer process like start with Reserve, only one step as fulfillment, No shipment , no invoicing etc. 

21. when we define the external routing rule to call the connector, in the IF condition we can use either the task type or task name both will work. 

22.  Reevaluate Flag is on the SAC condition need to be used only when business process is need it will delay he process in checking every time. 

23. Terminate Wait after 30 cycles on the wait task.  

24 Root on the orchestration process tells about the starting level is it order header, line or fulfillment line

25 . when defining the web connector if the integration is ICS then always use the Invocation mode as Business Event

In case of any web service then we need to use below 2 services
Asynchronous: when we do not know the response time and wait is till the response received
Synchronous:  immediate response

26 when using the ICS then while defining the external routing rules always use below conditions

if: Task Type = DOO_Transportation Planning
Set connector Name : Transportation planning (Select from LOV)
set interaction interface type : Service Data
Set Acknowledge Time out :  Day = 0,Hours: 0 Minutes:2, Seconds :0

Pause process (for all the pause steps it is mandatory to raise Pause rule / start after condition)
3 types :
Event Based  -- Event based can be release manually going to the Orchestration Gannt page or  by running the ESS program : release pause  by providing the pause event name
Time Based  -- based on the time provided in the pause task pause will be released automatically
Immediate -- pause will be released immediately.
IPC - accumulate the line for proceeding to the next task.
Example: All invoices consolidate before Invoice or Shipping etc

Default Rule is mandatory(Immediate with high priority) when you raise a Event Based Pause.

After 18.05 version 18.10 onward no need to run  ESS program : Release Planning Recommendation for the  B2B process

Change management : when we use compensation rules it will help to send the do change processing by below said rules
cancel create : cancel the exsisting one and create new one (Ex: Shipping side when we use OTM)
Update : Update only  (Pricing)
Update Create

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