Monday, May 2, 2016

oracle skip lot functionality

Quality Skipping Inspection Control :

QIt is normally assumed that the SKIP Lot Functionality applies to items which are only Lot Controlled items. But its not the case. Skip lot functionality applies to all the items being received in Oracle Purchasing.

Lots in "Skip Lot Inspection" means receipt.

Some Pointers to make sure that the Skip lot functionality works as intended.

(1) For "Skip Lot Inspection" in the Collection Plan the Transaction description is not mandatory to use Inspection Transaction. Whenever a collection plan is associated to a Skip Lot Setup, it needn't necessarily have an Inspection / Receiving Transaction associated to it. For items having skiplot assigned, the skiplot is triggering the Inspection when required. For items without skiplot, the transactions and the triggers are checked and the plan will come based on that.

The Skip Lot triggering is set up at the Skip Lot/Sampling Criteria screen and it does not make use of the setup in Collection Plans Setup (Transaction Window).

 (2) Receipts have to be created only after setting up the skip lot inspection. For receipts created before the setup , the skip lot will not hold good.

(3) For Skip Lot Inspection the Receipts should be created one after the other and not in BULK.
 The receipt created should be processed completely before proceeding to create another receipt.

(4) In the Inventory Organization parameters "Quality Skipping Inspection Control" Check box should be checked for the Skip Lot Inspection to come into effect in that organization.

(5) We have to make sure that the Profile Option RCV: Processing Mode to On-line at site level and user level in System Administrator Profile options so that the transactions get completed before proceeding to do another transaction..
If the Receiving transactions for a particular receipt is not completed and we go ahead and raise a new Receipt then routing will be Inspection Required because the skip lot will not skip unless the receipt which you inspected is Accepted.
 So we need to make sure that the Receiving transaction is complete before we go to make a New receipt.
 The best way to ensure is to Change the profile option as given below.

(6) If we make a receipt which has to be inspected and we do not inspect the same and the next receipt we are about to make should get skipped according to skip plan, it will not get skipped as the skip plan will not get validated as the earlier receipt has not been inspected and accepted. This receipt also will have to be inspected.

(7) Number of Consecutive Lots accepted for Qualification mentioned in the Skip Lot Process Setup is the number of accepted lots to be accepted for the Skip lot process to become active. So for example if the Number of Consecutive lots accepted for Qualification is 2 then we have to receive 2 accepted lots and then only the Skip lot Process will become active.

(8) The sequence in the Skipping Parameters is to indicate the sequence in which the frequencies mentioned will come into effect. Suppose we have given a sequence of 10 with frequency of 1 out of 2 and no of rounds as 2 and in the second line we have given a sequence of 20 with frequency of 1 out of 5  and no of rounds as 5 then after the lots have been skipped 2 times as per sequence 10 it will move on to sequence 20 to skip lots as per the condition mentioned i.e. 1 out of 5. If we do not have any sequence mentioned after that then this particular condition (1 out of 5) will be active till a lot does not get rejected.

(9) We can see the status of the Skip lot code by going to Quality -> Inquiries -> Skip Lot Inquiry.
 It will open in a self service page.
(10) When doing the receipt we can see the Routing in the same form. If Routing is Inspection required after saving then we will have to do Inspection. If Routing is Standard Receipt then we need not do Inspection and it will be accepted in the Inventory i.e it will skipped. We need to make sure to see the Routing after we have saved the Receipt and not when we are viewing it.

(11) We have to make sure that we Associate the Skip Lot Process Code to the Item which has to be skipped in the Skip Lot/ Sampling Criteria Set up.
(12) If a Lot gets Rejected then the Skip Lot Process will Get halted and the Inspection Stage will return to Qualification from Skipping. We will have to get the qualification lots as per the condition mentioned in the Skipping parameters and then only the Skip lot Process will come into Effect again.

(13) The Profile Option QA:PO Inspection should be set to Oracle Quality.


Step 1 . Create a Purchased Goods Item X in the Master Items form by choosing the Purchased Item template.
Assign it to the required inventory Organization.
Navigation : Inventory -> Items -> Master Items

Step 2. Create a Collection Plan "CP"
 Navigation : Quality -> Setup -> Collection Plan
 Associate the required Collection Elements to the Plan
 Leave the Transaction Description in the Transaction Tab blank.

Step 3. Create a Skip lot process setup "SL"
 Navigation : Quality -> Set up -> Skip Lot Process Setup.
 Give the Number of Consecutive lots accepted for qualification as 1

Step 4. In skipping Parameters Associate the Collection Plan "CP" created above.
Give Frequency as 1 out of 2  Rounds 2
 (This means one out of every two lots submitted will get inspected )

Step 5. Associate the Skip Lot Process Code "SL" to the Item Created X above in the Skip Lot / Sampling Criteria Set up.
 Mention the Item name and click on Skip Lot Association and give the Skip Lot Process Code.

Step 6. Create a Purchase Order and approve it. Make sure that the Receiving Controls in Purchase Order is Inspection Required.

Step 7. If we see in Quality Inquiries -> Skip lot Inquiries and query for the organization and item we
 will get the skip lot code associated. Click on the Skip Lot Code and we will get to see the Inspection stage.
 The Inspection stage at this point will be Qualification.

Step 8. Create the first Receipt.
Routing will be Inspection Required.
 Go to Receiving Transaction and the destination type will be Receiving & status "Not Inspected"
 Do Inspection by clicking on the Inspect button.
 After Inspection the Destination type will change to Inspect.
 Re query the receipt in the Receiving Transaction and the destination type would have become Inventory.
 Move the items into sub inventory.

This completes the requirement of consecutive lots accepted for qualification. Now the Skip lot
 comes into effect.

Step 9.Create the second receipt
 Routing will be Inspection Required.
 Go to Receiving Transaction and the destination type will be Receiving & status "Not Inspected"
 Do Inspection by clicking on the Inspect button.
 After Inspection the Destination type will change to Inspect.
 Re query the receipt in the Receiving Transaction and the destination type would have become Inventory.
 Move the items into sub inventory.

Now if we check in Quality Inquiries -> Skip lot Inquiries and query for the organization and item
 The Inspection stage will have changed from Qualification to Skipping

Step 10. Create the third Receipt
 Routing will be Standard Receipt
 Go into Receiving Transaction and the destination type will be Inventory & status Not Inspected - Standard Receipt
 Move the items into sub inventory.

Step 11. Create the Fourth Receipt
 Routing will be Inspection Required.
 Go to Receiving Transaction and the destination type will be Receiving & status "Not Inspected"
 Do Inspection by clicking on the Inspect button.
 After Inspection the Destination type will change to Inspect.
 Re query the receipt in the Receiving Transaction and the destination type would have become Inventory.
 Move the items into sub inventory.

Step 12. Create the Fifth Receipt
 Routing will be Standard Receipt
 Go into Receiving Transaction and the destination type will be Inventory & status Not Inspected -  Standard Receipt
 Move the items into sub inventory.

Thus one out of 2 lots got skipped.

If the Rounds is given as 2 and no other sequence is mentioned then the system will continue to
 skip based on Skipping parameters


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarath,

    This is Sam from intelli, call me on 9849821672.

