Friday, October 31, 2014

Unprocessed Shipping Transactions

Uncosted Material transactions

Onhand qty with locator for no locator controlled subinv ..

Exception- Onhand qty without locator for locator controlled subinv

to check MLOG size and maintanance

select count(*) from ont.MLOG$_OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL; -- 16623
select count(*) from wip.MLOG$_WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS; --1730
select count(*) from INV.MLOG$_MTL_DEMAND; --1061
select count(*) from INV.MLOG$_MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES; --567
select count(*) from INV.MLOG$_MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSAC; --19423
select count(*) from  INV.MLOG$_MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIE;  --4216
select count(*) from  INV.MLOG$_MTL_RESERVATIONS; --1646
select count(*) from  INV.MLOG$_MTL_SUPPLY; --5075
select count(*) from  INV.MLOG$_MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B;-- 1254
select count(*) from  INV.MLOG$_MTL_TXN_REQUEST_LINE; - 17116
select count(*) from  BOM.MLOG$_BOM_COMPONENTS_B; --7381
select count(*) from  BOM.MLOG$_BOM_OPERATION_RESOUR; --6476
select count(*) from  BOM.MLOG$_BOM_OPERATION_SEQUEN;8197
select count(*) from  BOM.MLOG$_BOM_STRUCTURES_B; --21
select count(*) from  MRP.MLOG$_MRP_SCHEDULE_DATES;--264879
select count(*) from  WIP.MLOG$_WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS; --1731
select count(*) from  WIP.MLOG$_WIP_OPERATIONS; --21829
select count(*) from  WIP.MLOG$_WIP_OPERATION_RESOUR;--16213
select count(*) from  WIP.MLOG$_WIP_REQUIREMENT_OPER;--19922
select count(*) from  ONT.MLOG$_OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL; 16695
select count(*) from   MRP.MLOG$_MRP_SCHEDULE_DATES; --264879

Orphon move orders

Orphon serial numbers

for making the invoice enable flag to YES.


find the uncosted material transactions

Cost manager running Select organization_id,costed_flag,count(*)from mtl_material_transactions where costed_flag is not null group byorganization_id ,costed_flag

Cost management tables SELECT * FROM cst_item_costs WHERE organization_id =&orgid AND inventory_item_id =&itemid;SELECT * FROM cst_item_cost_details WHERE organization_id =&orgid AND inventory_item_id = &itemid;

Retry Work flow from backend for sales order lines

set serveroutput on
l_line_id NUMBER := &line_id;
l_org_id NUMBER;
l_count NUMBER;
l_result VARCHAR2(30);
(p_itemtype => 'OEOL'
,p_itemkey => to_char(l_line_id)
,p_actid => 12345
,p_funcmode => 'SET_CTX'
,p_result => l_result
wf_engine.handleError('OEOL', l_line_id, 'SHIP_LINE', 'RETRY',null);
dbms_output.put_line('File name '||OE_DEBUG_PUB.G_DIR||'/'||OE_DEBUG_PUB.G_FILE);

to find the SO details :select * from oe_order_headers_all where order_number = '7002955' and org_id =5283; select * from oe_order_lines_all where header_id =2647372 and ordered_item like 'L57*4LT' -2776751';

to find the patches applied or not select BUG_NUMBER,CREATION_DATE from ad_bugs where BUG_NUMBER in('5184918','5084156','4101117');

open periods for the period closing :select a.organization_id, b.organization_code,a.status, a.Period_name from ORG_ACCT_PERIODS_V a ,mtl_parameters b

PO not created and requisition is not converted to Po where to check: select * from apps.PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALL where request_id = 78110863;select * from po_interface_errors where interface_transaction_id = 1310606;

to find workflow errors : select count(*), message_type from wf_notifications where mail_status = 'ERROR' and status = 'OPEN' and begin_date > sysdate -4 group by message_type